Amy’s specialty involves working with individuals to identify and break through negative / limiting belief systems. These negative thought patterns can affect our work, prosperity, physical health, emotional wellbeing and personal relationships. Amy’s niche is working with relationships. Her devotion to this work is to help clients break the cycle of old patterns and clear limiting beliefs, so they can expand their beliefs about what can be possible in their lives.

EFT is commonly referred to as “emotional acupuncture.” This modality brings Chinese Acupressure and modern psychology together. It combines gentle tapping on key acupuncture points while focusing ones thoughts on the current issue or issue (physical pain, unhappy memories, uncomfortable emotions, traumas, fears / phobias). EFT works to “smooth out” the energetic disruption between thoughts / memories and an emotional reaction.

The tapping is working directly with the limbic brain, specifically the amygdala, where our stress response [flight / flight] is controlled. This has a direct and immediate effect to down-regulate the amygdala. It’s a powerful tool to clear recent traumas or events / memories that happened during childhood / early years.

As we identify and clear certain patterns / belief systems that no longer serve us, we can live from a more neutral and joyful place!